01 December 2010

Parts Receiving – Automatic Verification & Selling Price

When a part is received from an order, a number of basic checks are performed to assist the user identifying possible data errors.  Various options are available to the user to ensure the store prices are maintained at a relevant level.

Warnings that will prevent receiving of the part
  • Users must provide the following compulsary fields:
    • GRV number
    • Release reference
  • Values that are checked
    • Quantity received must be greater than zero
    • Quantity received must be equal or less than the outstanding order quantity
    • If a part is immediately issued to a job, the job must be open
Warnings that will allow the part to be received
  • Parts received at zero cost
  • Part selling price calculated above the current store price
Calculation of selling price
  • When users specify a “List Price” for a part, the selling price is calculated, using the “List Price” as supplied multiplied by the transaction forex rate if appliacble.
  • If no “List Price” is supplied, the calculated selling price will be based on cost plus the standard handling fee.
  • If the part falls in a Part group with a factor defined, the factor will be applied to the selling price calculated with the normal handling fee.  Note that a Group factor is also applied to “List Price” that might be provided.
  • Should the calculated selling price exceeds the current selling price, as recorded in the store, a warning will be generated to increase the selling price.  Users will be prompted with the old and suggested new selling price for the part.  This can be acccepted or rejected by the user.
Batch calculation of Selling Prices

Selling prices as recorded in the store will reflect prices calculated on parts that might no longer be in stock.  To achieve the best accuracy of selling prices, users could calculate stock prices on the Calculation Window (W911) by selecting the “Store Prices” option.  This will ensure that prices are based on inventory in stock.  These calculations will also use the current exchange rates as provided in the Foreign tables.  When there is no stock in the store of a specific part, the cost for the most recent received ltransaction for the part will be used for the store “Selling Price”.

28 November 2010

AMS Backup utility features

Our Aircraft Maintenance Systems (AMS) backup utility is normally used as a scheduled task that will automatically generate a backup archive and upload this to a remote FTP server. This explained in this link.  This publication deals with the program features that will assist users to manage the archives and restore data.

Utility usage

The lasest version of the backup utility can be downloaded free of charge from the server on this link.  When the program is executed from the menu option or from the Desktop icon, users can get detailed information on previous backup archives on a tree view display.


Note that the Summary section gives the latest backup information, to give users a quick overview if backups are generated as expected.  If users open the Archive section, information is displayed on the history of backup archives.


The screen above shows a backup that is available on the local backup directory as well as on the remote FTP directory.  Additional options are available if users double click on the branch menu options.  In this example users can test the archive by double clicking on the “File Name” option.  WinRAR will test the archive on the local backup directory and report any errors found in the archive.  Once the test is complete users will have the prompt to restore the backup archive.  Please be carefull as this will overwrite the existing data.  It is recommended to make a backup of the current corrupt data before an older archive is restored.  The other options available on this window is to upload the local archive to the FTP server or download the archive to the local directory.  Note that archives can only be restored from the local backup directory and not directly from the FTP server.


This next artchive example shows a backup archive that is not on the FTP server, but only on the local backup directory.  Users can use this branch menu option to test & restore the archive or to upload the archive to the FTP server.


Please note that this utility must be installed on a PC previously loaded with the main AMS program.  Many of these features are only available together with the use of the 3rd party WinRAR program. 


Although we have tested this utility throroughly and might assist with the implementation of the utility, users must regularly verify that the backup and restore utility program works as expected in their unique environments.  This is important as Aviation Databases can not assume any responsibility for the correct functioning of this utility tool.

17 November 2010

T&ampT2003R8 AMS Upgrade

The latest AMS program upgrade v2.23.06 is available on the Avdex dedicated update server.  This upgrade includes various changes and fixes made over the past few months as well as report changes.  These changes simplify future updates and incorporates a number of client requests and suggestions that we have recently received.
A remote backup feature has also been introduced and is available to our users.  This allows users to have backups stored on a remote server.  (Read more)
There are two ways of upgrading.


1     Auto Upgrade:

For those users with version 2.22.00 or later, open 'Housekeeping | Config Options | Company' and select 'Download Update'.  A download window will open and the program will automatically download the latest upgrade file from the ftp site.  This download window can be closed when complete or will auto close five seconds after completion.  Later versions will offer to auto start the 'Setup.exe'.
If the program does not try to auto start the upgrade, exit and manually run *:\Data\Setams\Setup.exe (where ‘*’ is the data drive).
To upgrade the report templates, open 'Housekeeping | Config Options | Company' and select 'Download Reports'.  A download window will open and the program will automatically download the latest upgrade file from the ftp site.  This download window can be closed when complete or will auto close five seconds after completion. Manually run *:\Data\Setams\SetupReports.exe (where ‘*’ is the data drive)(only needs to be run once).


2     Manual Upgrade

For users on progran versions prior to v2.22.00 use the dedicated Web server to download the latest program.  Click here (Or type in your browser: http://vps3720.vmachine.co.uk/index.html)
Select 'Downloads' and download the ‘Setup.exe’ file to the *:\Data\Setams folder (where ‘*’ is the data drive).  Run the ‘Setup.Exe’ on the first PC and follow the install instructions
Please remember to close AMS32 on your PC when running the setup.  An error message most likely means that AMS32 is still open and cannot be over written.
Other users will automatically be prompted to upgrade when they next logon.


Make a Backup!

When complete, ask all users to exit AMS.  Relaunch AMS. If the file structures need updating, the program will display a warning.  Select 'File Structure' and select each file that is not OK and press ‘Update’.  When complete, Exit re launch AMS and select ‘Housekeeping | System | Data Files | Build Index’ and press ‘Start Indexing’.



When complete, go to ‘Housekeeping | Config Options | Company’ and download the reports upgrade by pressing ‘Download Reports’ Run the SetupReports.exe (only needs to be run once).

31 October 2010

Backup AMS data Local and Remotely on FTP server

Everybody has their own memories of data loss for whatever reason.  This is even more true of a program system like AMS, where companies simply can not afford to be without one or more trusted backup options.  This has prompted us to assist our users to make local backups, as well as remote backups to our dedicated FTP server.  The advantage of remote backup is that the data is available even if the source of local backups are lost for whatever reason.
Users can backup from inside the AMS program or from a separate backup utility program.  The backup utility program can be loaded on a server machine and scheduled to run on a predetermined time from Windows Scheduled Tasks.  The FTP backup directory is unique to each AMS client.  The password and login details have been hard-coded in the program to reduce the problem of users having to remember login details.
winrarWe are also making use of a third party data compression program WinRAR to reduce the backup size and reduce internet traffic when a data set is uploaded to the remote FTP site.  A copy of WinRAR must be installed on the dedicated backup PC.  The latest version of the program can be found here .  Once this has been downloaded, the program must be installed and users must define the link to the WinRAR program in AMS.  This can be done from the AMS waterfall menu option, by selecting Housekeeping | System | Archive… Window W935 will open and users can enter the path to the “Archive exe”
On this window, users can also set the backup directory to a directory where the data will be safe.  This will depend on the configuration of each client.  It is recommended that the data is stored on a different PC or network storage drive, than the one where the live data is located.  We recommend a Net-drive, as it gives a number of advantages for safe backup options.  This drive is unlikely to be effected by a virus and can even physically be located in a safe or remote area, away from the server.
It is important to understand that this first backup directory is your main backup and source for recovery.  The FTP backup is simply a further method to have data in a remote location if things really do go wrong and both the server and the local backup source are no longer available.  Unfortunately, backup intentions are only good if they are executed as planned.  For this reason, we have developed the backup utility that can be scheduled on the server to run when it is convenient for the users.  We can provide you with this utility or it can be downloaded from our FTP download site.
  • User: adbDownload
  • Password: Avdex005 (Password is case sensitive)
Download the install file AMSbck.exe from the SetupDownload directory.  This will install the backup utility into the existing AMS location.  AMS must be installed on the selected PC to get all the other AMS configuration parameters and supporting files required from the registry.
The downloaded backup utility interface looks similar to the AMS backup Window.  Note that the FTP Login ID must be available.  Most clients should have this already defined, as this is entered first time that users are using the on-line update/registration facility in AMS.  Visit this link.
Backup01Users should run the Backup utility manually to verify that it is working and then proceed to add the backup utility program to the scheduled tasks on the PC identified for the scheduled backup.  To run this program (FTPBackup.exe) in batch mode, users must add a parameter /SCHED to run the program without command prompts.  The Windows ask scheduler can be found under Start | Control Panel | Admin Tasks | Task Scheduler. This Task Scheduler location might be different in various Windows OS versions.
You must also define the Task Scheduler trigger when you want the task to execute.
Please contact Aviation databases for more information and assistance if required.  Please note that the backup function must be configured for each client on the remote server before it can be used. Once the backup utility is installed and configured, users can explore the features as detailed in this link.
Please note that this utility must be installed on a PC previously loaded with the main AMS program.  Many of these features are only available together with the use of the 3rd party WinRAR program. 
Although we have tested this utility throroughly and might assist with the implementation of the utility, users must regularly verify that the backup and restore utility program works as expected in their unique environments.  This is important as Aviation Databases can not assume any responsibility for the correct functioning of this utility tool.

30 September 2010

T&T0003R1 Upgrading AMS executable and reports

The latest AMS program upgrade will from now on be on our ftp site for all users to download.  Downloads will be available through the AMS program.  For users on older version of the program the first upgrade can be done manually as described below, but this option will not be available in the future.
This upgrade includes various changes and fixes made over the past few months as well as report changes, which can be automatically downloaded directly from the ftp site from within the program.
There are currently two options for upgrading available to users.
1     Auto Upgrade:For those users with version 2.22.00 or later, open 'Housekeeping - Config Options - Company' and select 'Download Update'.  A download window will open and the program will automatically download the latest upgrade file from the ftp site. 
W930This download window can be closed when complete or will auto close five seconds after completion.  Later versions will offer to auto start the 'Setup.exe'.
If the program does not try to auto start the upgrade, exit and manually run Q:\Data\Setams\Setup.exe (where ‘Q’ is the default drive used for AMS installations.  This might differ on some sites).
FTPFile_UpdateTo upgrade the report templates, open 'Housekeeping - Config Options - Company' and select 'Download Reports'.  A download window will open and the program will automatically download the latest upgrade file from the ftp site.  This download window can be closed when complete or will auto close five seconds after completion. Manually run Q:\Data\Setams\SetupReports.exe

2  Manual Upgrade
For users on progran versions prior to v2.22.00 use the ftp site to bring the program up to date.  This method of updating will be obsolute once all users upgraded to the latest version.
Download Site:
ftp://ftp.avdex.co.za    AMS
The ftp username is avdexftp and the password is avdata
Download the ‘Setup.exe’ file to the Q:\Data\Setams folder.  Run the ‘Setup.Exe’ on the first PC and follow the install instructions.  It is important to save the installation file in this directory where all users can access the installation file.
Please remember to close AMS32 on your PC when running the setup.  An error message most likely means that AMS32 is still open and cannot be over written.
Users not familiar with FTP sites could download from our online download site: Click Here and download the AMS installation file SetAMS.exe
FileStrucoutofdate_Warning3 Implementation
When the first user upgrades, ask all users to exit AMS.  Relaunch AMS. If the file structures need updating, the program will display a warning.  Select 'File Structure' and select each file that is not OK and press ‘Update’.  When complete, Exit re launch AMS and select ‘Housekeeping - System - Data Files - Build Index’ and press ‘Start Indexing’.
Once the first user has upgraded, the other users will be prompted to upgrade automatically when they next logon.
Download and save the file ‘SetupReports.exe’ and unzip to the ‘Q:\Data\Setams’ folder.

29 September 2010

T&T0014R1 - Mapped Drives for AMS

AMS32 and Status make use of 'Mapped Drives' when connecting to data and other folders.  This is due to a number of reasons, not the least being a quirk in a report writer that does not see UNC drives.  As a universal setup, AvData have used the drive letter 'Q' to denote the data directory for AMS and 'P' for WinStatus.  (The new SQL version of Status does not require this definition)  This aids trouble shooting in telephonic support as all AvData drives are 'Q' or 'P'.

When setting up a new PC on a network it is essential that the drive mapping be in place prior to first launching AMS or Status.  When selecting the remote folder to 'Map', select the folder containing the 'Data' folder.  ie the one above the data in the tree as shown by Windows.  Both the report writers and the data files need to see a folder in the data drive.  This means that the data drive cannot be 'Q' but must be 'Q:\Data'.  As most installations on servers are done via a full installation, it is then easy to 'Map' the 'AMO' folder on the server as 'Q'. 

Cleints making use of the 'Multi Data' facility must always have the same folders mapped in an identical manner as these paths are stored in a file on the server and will produce warnings if the program sees different paths to the 'Multi Data' folders.

MapThe data path for AMS will therefore aleways be 'Q:\Data'

Preferred method

  1. Click the Start button
  2. Right Click on My Computer
  3. Select Map Network drive…
  4. Enter the Drive (Q:)
  5. Browse and select the network folder
  6. Check Reconnect at logon
  7. Select Finish

The exact format of the window might differ between operatings systems.

Visit the AMS web site

15 September 2010

License renewal–Softkey update

The process of obtaining new softkeys for AMS users has been simplified and can be done online.  When this done for the first time each site must obtain their site user id and site password from Aviation Databases.  Users must also be using the latest executable as this feature was not available on older executables.  Click here for upgrade information or visit our download server.  Users must also have access to the internet for this option to work.
In AMS licenses must be obtained for each user or PC on the AMS system.  Users must go to the waterfall menu options: Housekeeping | Config Options.  This will open window W930.  Select the License tab to display the online registration options.
Ensure that you enter your correct Client company ID as obtained from Aviation Databases for your site installation.  Next enter your client password which is the same for all users in your company.  Once this is done, the “Net Login” button will be available.  Click this button to connect to the internet and obtain the softkey for your station.
The client data window will now open showing the registered programs with the program expiry dates.  You can select the “Update” button to update your company address information on the network data base.  The “Generate key” button will generate a new softkey on the PC.  Close this window and return to window W930 where the new softkey will be displayed.
To register users must be using the current version of the program.

On stations without internet access, users can manually enter the softkey which can be provided manually from the PC ID as shown on W930.  This softkey must be provided by Aviation Databases.  Another option is to email Aviation Databases the Softkey.dbf file as found in the data directory,  This option is also available on the backup window that can be found under the menu option: Housekeeping | System | Archive
Visit the AMS web site