As an aid to parts costing, the AMS32 program has a facility to add freight and import duties to an entire shipment received into AMS32.
As shipment costs are usually received later than the parts and invoice, users are able to apply a ‘Shipment’ number to a consignment or batch of consignments.
These can be sequential as the program shows the last ‘Shipment’ number in the receive window W506. It is advisable to write the ‘Shipment’ number on the invoice or invoices that are included in a given shipment.
Enter the number in the ‘Shipment’ field on window W506 for all parts received and related to that shipment.
When complete, go to window W505 (Transaction - Parts - Receive) and press ‘Allocate Costs’. This will open W533. Confirm the transaction date and enter the ‘Shipment’ number. Enter the total freight and duty costs (excluding VAT). Should there be and ‘Extra’ costs, enter them as well.
Press ‘Verify’ and the program will check the calculations and show a summary of the value that will be added to each part. Make sure that this is correct and press ‘Allocate’. This will add the EXACT shipment value to the stores value, thus making sure that the GRV is correct.
It is important that shipment dates match the GRV dates, linked to the shipment. During verify this is checked and there are two scenarios where the date differs. Should there only be one other date that differ from the shipment date, users will have the opportunity to correct the shipment date to the GRV transaction date. If there are multiple GRV’s with different dates, users have the option to set all the GRV dates to the shipment date.
If the shipment value is added subsequent to the printing of the original GRV, a new updated GRV MUST be printed as it now includes freight charges that do not appear on the original GRV.
As an added search function, parts related to either GRV or Shipment numbers can be checked by selecting ‘Tree Search’ in window W513 (Transactions - Parts - Edit - Tree Search) Enter the Grv or Shipment number and a summary of linked part numbers will be shown.
Aviation Databases can supply stamps which allow the entering of GRV, Shipment and AWB numbers as well as stamps to add incremental numbers to documents. Call for prices.