16 August 2012

AMS – ODBC Driver

ODBC drivers are the interface used between the program data files and the Windows printer function.  We have noticed that several 3rd party software programs may overwrite the ODBC settings used by AMS32 in report printing.  These include MS Office, xx & MS Intellimous installations.    This is evidenced by an error box indicating an ‘ODBC’ error.  ODBC driver errors can be rectified by running the ODBCInstall.exe file from the ‘SETAMO’ directory or the original CD

16 April 2012

AMS Upgrade T&T2003R14

The latest AMS program upgrade is available from Avdex and can be downloaded.
This upgrade includes various changes and fixes made over the past few months as well as report changes.
It is important to update the executable to keep up with the latest fixes and modifications, but also to allow you to upgrade user licenses.via the online licence key generation.
The new Exe download may initially be downloaded from this link and saved to Q:\Data\Setams directory.  Note that the dowloaded files are by default stored in a different directory and you might have to change this before downloading by selecting the "Save As" option. In most cases the Q: drive is the default drive for AMS programs on the server, but some installations might use a different drive.  This directory is used because it is accessable to all users and it is therefore best to save the installation file in this directory to avoid every user downloading the installation file.

Remember to make a Backup!

How to upgrade

For those users with version 2.22.00 or later, open 'Housekeeping - Config Options - Company' and select 'Download Update'.  A download window will open and the program will automatically download the latest upgrade file from the ftp site.  This download window can be closed when complete or will auto close five seconds after completion.
To start the upgrade, exit and  manually run Q:\Data\Setams\Setup.exe (where ‘Q’ is the default installation data drive).
To upgrade the report templates, open 'Housekeeping - Config Options - Company' and select 'Download Reports'.  A download window will open and the program will automatically download the latest upgrade file from the ftp site.  This download window can be closed when complete or will auto close five seconds after completion. Manually run Q:\Data\Setams\SetupReports.exe (where ‘Q’ is the data drive).


When complete, ask all users to exit AMS.  Relaunch AMS. If the file structures need updating, the program will display a warning.  Select 'File Structure' and select each file that is not OK and press ‘Update’.  When complete, Exit re launch AMS and select ‘Housekeeping - System - Data Files - Build Index’.  Un tick the box ‘Use IDK Reference’ and press ‘Start Indexing’.  Apparent data loss may appear if a re index is not done


When complete, go to ‘Housekeeping - Config Options - Company’ and download the reports upgrade by pressing ‘Download Reports’
Run the SetupReports.exe(only needs to be run once).